Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Free Money, Your First Stop For Business

The First Stop Business Information Center provides the small business owner and the prospective entrepreneur with a central point of information and contacts for state regulatory requirements for operating a small business. The primary objective of the center is to facilitate sustainable small business development in Georgia by offering a central location for determination of what licenses and permits must be obtained and maintained by individuals and businesses conducting their enterprises in our great state. Contact First Stop Business Information Center, 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Suite 315 West Tower, Atlanta, GA 30334; 404-656-7061; 800-656-4558

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Your State Department of Economic Development

Every state has offices that will help you for free with any aspect of a business or non-profit organization. They will also have their own grant and loan programs that help businesses get started or expand. Contact your state capital and look for your state office of economic development. Remember, you have to live in a state to get money to start a business in that state. The state just wants you to have the business in their state. So you can't live in one state and have your business in another state. Go where the money is.

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Your Congressman and Senators Will Do Free Grant Research

because it means their job. They know the back office telephone number of every government agency and if they make a call for you and help you get a grant you will vote for them no matter what else they do. If you know your zipcode, you know your congressman and senators.

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